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What Is the Current 5 Year Plan

What plan? The five year plan!

During our trip in China and during our lectures there was one topic that was referred  to every time, the five year plan. China's government works with 5 year plans in which they set out different points the country will focus on during five years. Because it was mentioned to us so many times I decided it should be the topic to write about. Officially my assignment was to write about the Tax system in China but because Shanghai does not only have interesting business opportunities but also interesting nightlife I missed the lecture on on that topic. Enough about nightlife and missing lectures, I want to focus on this "great" five year plan which China has. The reason I put the word great in parentheses is because it seems that because of governmental propaganda everyone in China believes or maybe pretends to believe that it is the greatest and most effective way of political planning possible.

To clarify this I want to introduce you to fidelia one of our guides during our trip in China. Fidelia is Chinese and told us all the wonderful things about China, but it became quite clear she would not say anything negative about the government or about the development of China. When the five year plan was introduced to us during our lectures Fidelia clapped very enthusiastically and looked very proud. This made me wonder if the people in China really have this much trust and love for their government or if they might fear this very government. I believe that as long as the government structure is the way it is I will never find out if it is trust or fear, so I will continue elaborating the five year plan.

The current five year plan is the thirteenth five year plan issued by the government. The five year plan focusses on five points written down in order of importance.

1. Innovation:

China wants to  innovate further from a manufacturing economy to a service economy to become more globally competitive through technological advances.

 2.Coordinated Development:

China wants to move people from the rural areas into the cities to promote development.

3.Green Growth:

China wants to reduce emissions and make the country a more attractive place to live to attract and keep talent. The pollution levels are very high and this causes talent which would contribute to development to leave and potential talent to stay away. Cleaning the country is therefore a priority to continue the fast paced development of china.


China wants to open up to the world to promote globalisation and their economy. They want to increase import and export, but personally I believe China's government needs to also open up their strict policies within the company in order for this to work. It needs to be easier for foreign companies to do business with China with less regulation and restrictions.

5.Inclusive growth

China wants to move each citizen of china to the middleclass and by doing this eradicating poverty. This seems like a very good plan but in my opinion it will be very difficult with the transition to a service economy and the urbanisation. Many jobs will be lost and the lower educated people will have a problem in this five year plan. I am curious to see how this turns out.

This post summarises our lectures in China because business, politics and it seems like everything in China revolves around this five year plan. But why write a super long post about the five year plan whilst the Chinese government has posted an amazing, wonderful, perfect, fantastic and inspiring video explaining their five year plan.

Enjoy the video,

Tim Wierks

No hay comentarios / 17 Mar 2017 por Tim Wierks

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What Is the Current 5 Year Plan
