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How to Get Dark Matter Easy Use Bots

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The Doom Bots of Doom mode

The Doom Bots of Doom, also known as Nightmare mode, is a Featured Game Mode for League of Legends. The first featured mode to utilize bots, this is Co-op vs. AI with a twist: each bot has mutated, granting them empowered abilities. On higher difficulties, Doom Bots will mutate further over the course of the game - picking up the abilities of other champions, alongside their own.


Game flow

Battle against the Doom Bots of Doom on an extra spooky Summoner's Rift in this survival style game mode. Doom Bots will rush your lanes relentlessly. Survive! Try to survive for 15 minutes until The Evil Overlord of the Doom Bots The Evil Overlord of the Doom Bots is summoned. Defeat him to win the game!

Lose your nexus and be doomed forever...

Other gameplay notes

Doom bots don't go back to shop or heal, but when they do die they'll be back in lane before you know it. The map has been cut in half so we could double down on the doom. Enemy towers are invulnerable. Don't bother trying to push.

In the event you manage to suicide some minions into an enemy tower, you'll receive burst of HP/mana for some sustain.

Upon breaking certain kill 'quest' thresholds, your team will receive a boost in power. Work together to get kills and power up in time.


Custom difficulty in "The Gauntlet" mode:

  • In "The Gauntlet", we're letting YOU set the difficulty and choose how hard you want the Doom Bots to be when challenging them.
  • Set a custom Doom Bots difficult from 1 - 100 at the start of the game to modify your Doom Bots.
  • Use the chat command "/votelevel ##" and have 3 or more players vote for the same difficulty level to lock it in. (EG: /votelevel 65)
  • If a difficulty is not agreed on and voted for within 90sec, the mode will randomise a difficulty level.
  • On completion, your match history will show what level you completed as PROOF of your accomplishment (or demise).
  • Special Icons will be rewarded after the event for players that complete some of the highest possible levels compared to anyone else in the world.

Bot Roster

  • Amumu Amumu
    • Doom of the Sad Mummy
    • In addition to bonus stats, Doom Amumu also:
  • Cho'Gath Cho'Gath
    • Doom of the Terror of the Void
    • In addition to bonus stats, Doom Cho'Gath also:
  • Ezreal Ezreal
    • Doom of the Prodigal Explorer
    • In addition to bonus stats, Doom Ezreal also:
  • Galio Galio
    • Doom of the Sentinel's Sorrow
    • In addition to bonus stats, Doom Galio also:
  • Heimerdinger Heimerdinger
    • Doom of the Revered Inventor
    • In addition to bonus stats, Doom Heimerdinger also:
  • Lulu Lulu
    • Doom of the Fae Sorceress
    • In addition to bonus stats, Doom Lulu also:
  • Lux Lux
    • Doom of the Lady of Luminosity
    • In addition to bonus stats, Doom Lux also:
  • Morgana Morgana
    • Doom of the Fallen Angel
    • In addition to bonus stats, Doom Morgana also:
  • Udyr Udyr
    • Doom of the Spirit Walker
    • In addition to bonus stats, Doom Udyr also:
      • Periodically marks jungle camps as claimed
      • Summons unkilled monsters from claimed camps into lane after a delay
      • Guards spirits or whatever
  • Veigar Veigar
    • Doom of the Tiny Master of Evil
    • In addition to bonus stats, Doom Veigar also:
  • Wukong Wukong
    • Doom of the Monkey King
    • In addition to bonus stats, Doom Wukong also:
  • Yasuo Yasuo
    • Doom of the Unforgiven
    • In addition to bonus stats, Doom Yasuo also:
  • Ziggs Ziggs
    • Doom of the Hexplosives Expert
    • In addition to bonus stats, Doom Ziggs also:



Curses are global buffs that affect every Doom Bot (or the map itself). They rotate in a random order every 2 minutes and 10 seconds:

  • Celestial Expansion Celestial Expansion : The Bots have Aurelion Sol's Aurelion Sol's stars stars orbiting them, dealing magic damage on contact.
  • Tempered Fate Tempered Fate : Bard's Tempered Fates are randomly falling out of the sky! Any unit or turret hit will be put into Stasis icon.png stasis for 2.5 seconds.
  • Giga Blinding Darts Giga Blinding Darts : Gigantic, global-range darts that are being fired will damage and Giga-Blind anyone hit by them.
  • Brush Fire Brush Fire : All the brush brush on the map is set on fire, and will deal magic damage to you if you stand in it.
  • Death Defied Death Defied : Bots will randomly enter a state of undeath, becoming Cosmic Radiance.png invulnerable and Untargetable icon.png untargetable. Unlike Karthus Karthus , they can still move and cast spells, so be careful.
  • Realm Warp Realm Warp : The Bot will open Ryze's Realm Warp portals under you feet, which lead somewhere behind them.
  • Towers Electrified Towers Electrified : Your turrets will periodically zap your team's Champions if you're near them dealing True damage.
  • Wind Wall Wind Wall : The Bots will randomly charge up and emit a wall of wind that blocks your team's projectiles.
  • Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud : The Bot will create smoke clouds that they can hide inside, granting them stealth. They will briefly appear when they attack or use an ability.
  • Devilish Duplicates: Devilish Duplicates: The Bots will disguise themselves as Little Devil Teemo Little Devil Teemo as long as they haven't taken damage from a Champion in the last 2 seconds.
  • Aegis Protection Aegis Protection : Bots have a shield that blocks the next Champion or Turret attack. They get the shield back every 4 attacks or spellcasts.
  • Hallucinate Hallucinate : Whenever a Bot falls below 40% health, it creates a clone of itself. This clone explodes on death, dealing magic damage in an area around it.
  • Poison Trail Poison Trail : The Bots leave a noxious cloud behind them. Touching it will Poison icon.png poison you, taking magic damage over time.
  • Blood Scent Blood Scent : When a player falls below 50% health, all nearby Bots run much faster and gain vision of the injured player.
  • Notes: The Buffs-Changes: 01:50, 04:00, 06:10, 08:20, 10:30, 12:40, 14:50, 15:25


Doom Bots of Doom is available in 3 difficulties, and you must play the previous difficulty in order to unlock the next.

While Doom Bots cheat in almost every regard, the Fog of War still obstructs their vision.

Bot Roster

Emumu Emumu
Original Annie Original Annie
  • Annie can set alight nearby enemy towers and burn everything. She also brought her bear Tibbers Tibbers . Have you seen him? He's only bigger than 10-stack Cho'Gath and his AOE attacks shunt people away from him.
Definitely Not Blitzcrank Definitely Not Blitzcrank
Gentleman Cho'Gath Gentleman Cho'Gath
Pulsefire Ezreal Pulsefire Ezreal
  • Ezreal's abilities have been fragmented into multiple energy waves. His ultimate in particular goes off 2 additional times, in 8 additional directions.
Spectral Fiddlesticks Spectral Fiddlesticks
Gatekeeper Galio Gatekeeper Galio
Grim Reaper Karthus Grim Reaper Karthus
  • Karthus periodically Defies Death Defies Death while still alive (making him untargetable but still very mobile), and his abilities have fragmented (bigger, multiple copies and lower cooldown).
Imperial Lux Imperial Lux
Overlord Malzahar Overlord Malzahar
  • Malzahar's Malzahar's abilities have fragmented, and he's brought extra voidlings with him from the Void.(bigger, multiple copies and lower cooldown and about thrice the amount of voidlings).
Blade Mistress Morgana Blade Mistress Morgana
Superb Villain Veigar Superb Villain Veigar
  • Veigar calls down a ring of Dark Matter Dark Matter around himself periodically and his abilities fragment on minions (meaning he farms AP insanely quickly).
Volcanic Wukong Volcanic Wukong
Mad Scientist Ziggs Mad Scientist Ziggs
Haunted Zyra Haunted Zyra


Bonus Doom: Doom Mutations
Doom Bots can mutate the following passives on higher difficulties.
  • Akali's Akali's Twilight Shroud Twilight Shroud : This champion creates a smoke cloud in an area for a short time. While within the cloud, this champion is stealthed and gains bonus armor and magic resistance. Attacking or using abilities will reveal them briefly. Enemies inside the smoke are slowed.
  • Anivia's Anivia's Rebirth Rebirth : Upon taking lethal damage, this champion will transform into an egg with 100% health. If the egg survives for a short time, the champion is revived with the same percentage health that their egg had.
  • Evelynn's Evelynn's Shadow Walk Shadow Walk : When out of combat for a short time, this champion enters stealth only being able to be seen by enemy champions within range.
  • Garen's Garen's Judgment Judgment : Every brush you can't see into nearby this champion, could have Garen hiding in it. Demacia!
  • Hecarim's Hecarim's Onslaught of Shadows Onslaught of Shadows : Spectral riders are summoned alongside this champion, causing enemy champions and minions they touch to flee in terror.
  • Janna's Janna's Howling Gale Howling Gale : This champion summons whirlwinds nearby that briefly knock enemy champions airborne and disappear after a short time.
  • LeBlanc's LeBlanc's Mirror Image Mirror Image : Whenever this champions is below 40% health, they create a clone of themselves.
  • Nocturne's Nocturne's Paranoia Paranoia : This champion reduces the sight radius of nearby enemy champions and minions.
  • Pantheon's Pantheon's Aegis Protection Aegis Protection : After auto-attacking or using an ability 4 times, this champion will block the next incoming turret attack or basic attack from an enemy champion, siege minion or large monster.
  • Sejuani's Sejuani's Permafrost Permafrost : This champion creates pools of frost nearby, slowing all enemy champions and minions moving through them.
  • Shaco's Shaco's Hallucinate Hallucinate : Whenever this champion is below 40% health, they create a clone of themselves, which explodes when dying dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.
  • Shyvana's Shyvana's Burnout Burnout : This champion scorches the earth where they walk, leaving behind a trail of fire.
  • Swain's Swain's Ravenous Flock Ravenous Flock : Ravens circle this champion and strike out at nearby enemies dealing magic damage. This champion is healed for a portion of the damage dealt to champions and minions.
  • Viktor's Viktor's Death Ray Death Ray : This champion fires laser beams in a pattern around themselves, dealing magic damage to every enemy they hit.
  • Warwick's Warwick's Blood Scent Blood Scent : This champion reveals enemy champions within range with less than 50% health.



" Get ready - it's almost time for the next Featured Game Mode!

You thought Brazil's Veigar Bot was challenging? Think again! We've souped up the bots to DOOM levels, giving them mind-melting abilities that'll blow you away. Thought Amumu was already emo enough? What if Amumu's Doom Bot is so sad he makes all his nearby allies units CRY WITH DESPAIR, too? What if Ziggs's Mega Inferno Bomb broke off into six MINI INFERNO BOMBS after landing, or if Lux's Final Spark burst out in ALL directions around her? Each of the Doom Bots have had their abilities tinkered with, and things most definitely get crazy when they get aggressive.

Fight the Doom Bots and you'll unlock harder difficulties. Bots with 2 Bombs respawn with Bonus Doom effects such as Anivia's passive or Swain's ultimate, while 5 Bomb Doom Bots carry TWO Bonus Doom effects and provide the most extreme challenge in this brain-bursting Featured Game Mode!

The Doom Bots of Doom will be cavorting around the Fields of Justice from July 17 to July 27, and you'll unlock a Doomtastic summoner icon if you challenge them at least once!





Related Music

See Also

  • Demonic
  • Devil Teemo

